Pilgrim’s Progress – a Reflection
From one of the Methodist Hymns, we hear the lines, “Guide me Thou great Redeemer, pilgrim through this barren land. I am weak but Thou are mighty, guide me with Thy powerful hand. Bread of Heaven feed me now and evermore”. This hymn is universal in its appeal. In fact, it was among the best ten loved hymns voted by the people of Great Britain. We are all pilgrims on this planet earth seeking the celestial city, which is within every individual.
The English writer, John Bunyan has portrayed this epic journey in a wonderful allegory. In these troubled times in human history, we must well pause and reflect within ourselves and ask the question; what stage have we individually reached on this, all important journey? Perhaps, some of us are thinking of taking the first step on the path of attainment. No doubt, some have gone far ahead. Many have reached the place portrayed in the book of meeting the interpreter. It is at this stage that the words of the great Book – the Christian Bible which is primarily a celestial book become more understood and put into practice, however difficult it may be.
With this new understanding, the journey, even though difficult at times becomes a joyful one. The master Jesus said at this stage that, “My yoke is easy, and my burden is light”. He understood that His destiny called Him to make those sacrifices so that the rest of humanity could follow Him later. When we understand that, the city in which we are travelling to is not built with hands or material things, we can begin to realise that, it does not help much in fighting and killing our fellow travellers including our younger brothers – the animals.
Those who have reached the interpreter’s stage have a great responsibility to help others. For the Lord said, “He who would be greatest among you must be a servant”. Serving and helping others to understand why we are all here on this earth, without thoughts of rewards go a long way to lighten everyone’s load. Fellow travellers, let us use this wonderful opportunity of coming in contact with non-profit educational associations such as: The Western Wisdom Teachings (www.rosicrucianfellowship.org or www.trflondoncentre.org), The Philosophical Research Society (www.prs.org), New Age Bible and Philosophy Centre, etc, to help our fellow men. By our fruits, people may know us. In time, all will find the way to this beautiful celestial city and there will be peace on earth and good-will among all. “And there abideth Faith, Hope and Charity, but the greatest of these is Charity. – Abraham Obeng