Soul Growth - A Measure of Success
Max Hendiel noted that people are prone to consider a successful life by the bank account.
“And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him...
Perhaps the most important work for the student who aspires to attainment of true first-hand knowledge is the work of transmutation, the...
Autumn Equinox: Its Spiritual Significance
According to esoteric Astrology, confirmed by Corrine Heline, originally, there
were ten constellations.
Man’s Development
A Bird’s-Eye-View of Man’s Development Through Genesis, St. John’s Gospel, and Revelation.
The Mystery of Easter: The Triumph of Light
Of all the days in our Earth’s year, truly Easter Sunday is the Sun’s Day. Occultly, this is the hour of the Sun’s resurrection. The...
Individuation - the price of war
The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception tells us that once upon a time, the earth was part of the Sun. It was a period in our history when the...